Monday, November 2, 2015

Fall Highlights 2016

On October 12, 2015 you first bowed your head and covered your eyes when we prayed at supper. Elijah was praying and we both thought it was so cute you covering your eyes. How precious!

Also your new favorite thing is to put some food in your mouth and say “yummmmm” It is so cute!  You have also started to take things to the trash and get your own diapers. You point to your diaper and say, “diap” when you want it changed.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Dairy Festival 2015

Every year our town, Sulphur Springs, has a Dairy Festival. It's kick-off is a hot air balloon show. We have gone every year since Elijah was born. We made it a little picnic and ate our food on a blanket and waited for the balloons to start airing up. You guys favorite balloon this year was a dog shaped balloon. It was massive. You didn't seem to be bothered at all by the hot air they would blow to make the balloons air up. It was really loud, but you didn't seem to mind. When it gets dark, the balloons start glowing. The next day, we went to the Dairy Festival parade. This was the first parade you went to that you were able to enjoy. You loved the horses.

Friday, June 5, 2015

One Year Old

Well Little Buddy, it has been a year since we welcomed you into this world. A lot has changed in a year. Even as I write, we are gearing up for a super busy summer with some major changes coming our way. (More about that later) Right now, here are some highlights of what you are up to at 12 months:

  - You will hand people things if they ask you to
 - You love to play “ball”, rolling it back and forth
 - You have 8 teeth
 - You are walking while someone holds your fingers, but will not walk by yourself
 - You are 20.4 lbs, 30.25 inches long
 - You are still drinking 3 bottles a day, eating almost all table food
 - You like to scream (which you are getting in trouble for, you will scream if you do not get your way or if we are not fast enough for you)

Petting Zoo at the Library 

Playing in your Sandbox 

Helping "Grandpa" with the Cows

Sunday, May 24, 2015

1st Birthday Party

"Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Isaiah, Happy birthday to you." We celebrated your first birthday yesterday. You and Brother's birthdays are so close together we decided to celebrate them together. The theme for your party was Paw Patrol and you had lots of family come to help you celebrate it. As you can see, you had no problem finishing off your cupcake! (This was the first time you had ever had anything sweet.)

Friday, May 22, 2015

11 Months

This month was a special time for Mommy and Daddy because we had the privilege of dedicating you to the Lord. It is a time for us to stand before our church, our friends and promise God to raise you in a way that will glorify Him. It is our prayer everyday that God will help us to do this.

In other news this month, you have decided that you no longer want to eat any baby food. You only want to eat regular foods. You have also learned the word "duck", which is your favorite animal. You are starting to point to things that you want which makes life easier for both you and Mommy. Big highlight of the month is that you are now giving SUGARS a.k.a. kisses. You don't know how to pucker your lips, so you just open your mouth and stick it to other people's faces. It is so sweet!

Enjoying time outside (Your Favorite Place to Be)

Baby Dedication
Central Baptist Church

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Mini Photo Shoot

We took a little mini Spring photo shoot in the front yard today. You are so adorable and look at those chubby cheeks!

Monday, April 20, 2015

Double Digits

You have made it to the double digits, 10 months old.Your first birthday is right around the corner, and we are gearing up for a very busy summer. We started this month with Easter. You had already gone to an Easter egg hunt at Granny's, but now Easter was really here. We started the day at church celebrating the resurrection of Jesus, and then Grandma invited us out to her house for lunch and an Easter egg hunt. You really had no idea was going on, but you loved just holding the eggs. Grandma had filled your eggs with baby snacks and coins. You worked REALLY hard at getting those eggs open. You did get a few open....Brother helped with the rest.

This month you also started using a sippy cup and eating bite size food. Cut up bananas was your first food. You loved them! You also liked the little Gerber cereal snacks and veggie sticks.

The other day you told Granny "bye" when we went the nursing home. This was the first time you actually said it in context. Granny was so proud that your first time was to her. She bragged about it a little. You are also starting to hold your play phone up to your ear and saying "hi". You are really growing up.

My First Easter 2015

What a Cutie!

Watching Brother Ride His Bike and Drinking From My Sippy Cup

"This has not been a good day."
(Mommy couldn't pick you up and you thought it was the end of the world.)